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Kieran Harris

EasyJet Mistakenly Bans 21-Year-Old

Confusion with Same-Name Passenger

Accusations of Discrimination

A young British man has voiced his frustration after allegedly being wrongly banned from flying with easyJet. Kieran Harris, 21, claims that the airline erroneously identified him as another individual with the same name who is facing a lifetime ban.

Harris explains that he was informed of his flight ban via email without any prior notice or explanation. Puzzled and concerned, he reached out to easyJet's customer service, only to be told that he had been mistaken for a different Kieran Harris who had been involved in an incident with the airline.

According to Harris, the airline has refused to rectify the situation, despite his insistence that he has no connection to the other individual. He alleges that easyJet's reliance on first names alone has led to this unfair punishment, raising concerns about their policies and procedures.

Harris has now been forced to cancel his upcoming holiday plans and is seeking legal advice. He is demanding an apology from easyJet and a swift resolution to the matter.

EasyJet has not yet publicly commented on the incident. However, Harris's claims have sparked a discussion online, with many expressing sympathy and questioning the airline's handling of the situation.

Keywords: easyJet, flight ban, mistaken identity, Kieran Harris, discrimination, customer service, legal action
